Archive | June, 2009

Ed Hardy Remote Control Fishing Boat, really catch’s fish!

22 Jun

Fish Fun Co. and does it again. They picked a winner remote control boat to go fishing with.
Bad to the Bone Remote Control Fishing Boat!
This one not only has power, twin 380 type motors. It has a design that will make the fish jump on the hook! Well, not quite, but I do know I was bass fishing from a dock, and a couple of bass were following the boat around. Hopefully a new video will appear soon so I can see it in action. Here’s a new video from 6-19, Showing how you can catch any size fish with a Fish Fun Co. Remote Control Fishing Boat.

Hopefully you saw Part I, because it showed how you can use ‘The RC Fishing Pole” two ways, for small fish the boat will pull in the fish! One Cool Remote Control Boat to go Fishing With!
Rated 5 Star

Operation Take a Vet Fishing Day

16 Jun

East Potomac Park, Hains Point, Washington, DC.
Take a Vet fishing Day May 16-17th was a great sucess. An event to thank soldiers for serving our country take them fishing. Team Bass Hunters, in partnership with the US Wounded Soldier Foundation, Wounded Warrior Project, and the Sportsman Channel hosted, Take a Vet Fishing Day. Fish Fun Co., and RC Fishing World was one of the sponsor’s that gladly stepped up to the plate. Giving out a “Remote control fishing combo“, and “RC Fishing Poles” was the least Fish Fun Co. to say thank you and support our vets.
A great fishing day for our soldiers.
Team Basshunters, Capt. John Avalos

So that’s how you do it!

8 Jun

Remote Control Fishing Boats

Now that’s the right way if you’re going to go fishing with a remote control boat! A short introduction to Fish Fun’s RC Fishing Boats, an assortment. Watching this, Now I understand why the Fish Fun Co. Rc Fishin’ boats won’t sink when you catch a big one!

Your Place For The

The fish is too big for that rc boat. video

8 Jun

Now that’s a fishing Boat

Very entertaining video, another first attempt at fishing with r/c boats in the old days! This video was shot before he knew about “The Rc Fishing Pole” Now, He’s Rc Fishing the right way!

You better use a bigger boat!

8 Jun

Fishing with remote control boat

Sometimes people like to try new ways to fish, unfortunatlly there are better ways to do it than in this video. Although very entertaining in the video, what’s so entertaining about wrecking an expensive r/c boat? For little panfish I guess it’s fine, but not a big fish. An good alternative would be putting “The Rc Fishing Pole” on his r/c boat, then he wouldn’t have to worry about sinking it, and can fish all day , catching any size fish too! See more at